According to Kenny Slaught, Santa Barbara become a region for original and emerging businesses on top of being a popular tourist destination. Many exciting firms formed in recent years, and several of them, counting AppScale, LastLine, TrackR, and Salty Girl Seafood, came right out of the University of California in Santa Barbara. In the previous…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Comments On The Booming Start-up Culture In Santa Barbara
Children experiencing the loss of a parent can feel lost and abandoned when they realize their lives won’t be the same as before. As noted by Kenny Slaught, “The mentor program “I Have A Friend” allows these young people to discuss about their feelings with someone who has experienced something very similar.” The child will…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Discusses the Support Program For Grieving Youth
The attempt backed by Kenny Slaught works towards the protection of the vintage character of physical building while also providing for forward-thinking upgrades. Moreover, through fortifications like seismic upgrades, both the building and the tens of thousands of pieces of art inside will be better shielded. The plan also gives rise to 25 percent more…
Read more on Project Supported By Kenny Slaught Allows For The Preservation Of Authenticity Of The Museum
The dam’s engines room and tis 17 generators power all of the energy, where 16 of them are large generators and two smaller ones operate as one single generator. They provide hydroelectric energy to regional communities. Kenny Slaught states that the energy generated from the dam is divided across 15 areas. As one of the…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Recognizes The Continued Success Of Hoover Dam
Maintaining its natural charm, city planners enacted development controls to prevent demolition of Spanish Colonial architecture in 1925. The community was the first in the country to positively think about the importance of historic buildings. Regulations were put in place and guidelines were designed to keep unique structures and park areas, and in 1960 Santa…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Shows Support For The Charm And Celebration In Santa Barbara
The attempt backed by Kenny Slaught works towards the protection of the vintage character of physical building while also providing for forward-thinking upgrades. Moreover, through fortifications like seismic upgrades, both the building and the tens of thousands of pieces of art inside will be better shielded. The plan also gives rise to 25 percent more…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Shows Support For The Preservation Of Authenticity Of The Museum
In just their few years in the market, crowdfunding has quicky grown over 150 startups nationwide, specializing in real estate. Today, approximately 7% of the U.S population is an accredited investor. In a dense setting like Southern California, this number is 20%. Software platforms, including CrowdEngine, RealtyShares, CrowdForce, among others, make it possible to legally…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Discusses Real Estate Growth Stemming From California’s JOBS Act
California’s notable real estate and community-oriented investor, Kenny Slaught of Investec Real Estate Companies continues to show tremendous support and empathy to those who experienced hardship in life. In keeping with his life philosophy as a visionary, he has advocated for the Hospice of Santa Barbara and one of its Parenting After Loss program as…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Continuous Advocating For Those Facing Loss In Family
Located on the border between Arizona and Nevada, in the United States, the Hoover Dam is a remarkable project designed to give water and hydroelectric power to a significant population, taking advantage of the power generated through the Colorado River. Santa Barbara-based real estate and lifelong Kenny Slaught salutes the results of the unbelievable architectural…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Praises Hoover Dam And Hydroelectric Energy In America
When children experience the loss of a parent, they can feel lost and abandoned upon the realization that their lives will never again be the same. As noted by Kenny Slaught, “The I Have a Friend mentor program allows these young people to share their feelings with someone who has experienced something very similar.” The…
Read more on Kenny Slaught Notes Importance Of Support Program For Grieving Youth